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The sport of basketball came about because of Dr. In 1891, Dr. James Naismith invented basketball. These days, basketball is a wildly popular sport to watch and play. Basketball has made many celebrities out of its players, from Shaq, to Magic Johnson. J and Michael Jordan are now huge celebrities. This article will give you some tips to help you play like the pros.
Watching the pros play is a great way to see how great basketball players use their skills in the game. It is important that you see how other people play the game. You are sure to notice the key skills each player has mastered, and from there you can start practicing.

If you handle the ball often, you need to learn how to do a crossover. In a crossover, you transfer the basketball from hand to hand. Your crossovers should be fast, which is why it is important to practice them. By having the ability to move either way quickly, you will become a better all-around player.

Use hand signals to avoid errant passes. One thing that can frustrate you when playing basketball is to try and pass while a player is trying to run to the basket. A simple hand gesture can let your teammate know you’re ready for the pass. If you don’t receive a signal then realize your teammate is not able to get the pass.

If you want to be a master of the jump shot, do not make weight lifting a priority. Muscle flexibility is more important than muscle mass. Some shooting guards worked on their arms so much that they started lowering their percentage of field goals.

If your opponent is pressing hard, you can give yourself some room to work by dribbling the ball between your legs. This will make it very hard for your defender to get it. Mastering this skill will provide you with a major advantage on the court.

If you post up, you need to use good footwork to get open and make sure you get a good shot. Securing a good location is critical when playing basketball. If you are just stepping into position, you now have to secure the spot. The key to mastering these skills is good footwork.

Speed is everything in the sport of basketball. If you want the advantage, you need to be quicker than your opponents. Regular drilling will increase your speed. Never try though to get too fast that you can’t make any plays. When you play too fast, you can lose control and that means turnovers.

You need to constantly disrupt your opponents in order to be a great defensive player. Make them uncomfortable. Be assertive and focused within the rules, aggressively keeping your player off balance. Never let them control the game plays. If you do, your opponent will run all over you. Force them to act and their rhythm will get disrupted.

Hard dribbling helps avoid stolen balls. This means you get the ball back from your opponent faster. If you have an opponent who is guarding you relentlessly, it is time to pass the ball.

Practice passing while looking the opposite direction. This trick can be used successfully to confuse defenders. When you do it right, the opponents are going to think you’re moving in one direction. That way, the person you’ve given the ball to has a bit of time to look at the net to taking a shot. Practicing this pass can really help to give your team the winning edge.

Take charge when the opportunity presents itself. A charge leads to a turnover by the opposing team and gives you the ball back. That can be psychologically disturbing, and is a power play.

Don’t leave your defensive stance. Slide your feet to the sides or push off using the opposite foot to always be in position. Don’t allow your feet to cross, and this will make you a hard defender to beat.

Why is basketball such a popular sport? It’s because it is fun and simple to play. If you are in love with this game, the tips in this article will prove themselves to be priceless. Increase your skill and enjoyment by using the excellent advice presented here.

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What is there to know about the game of basketball? What will help me to perfect my game? This piece gives you basketball information, so continue to read to learn what basketball can give to you.

Make sure you are dribbling the right way. Instead of using your palm to dribble focus on using your fingertips. This provides you with much more ball control. Dribble to the side of your body rather than directly in front of you, bouncing at waist level. Don’t look down, always look up.

It is vital that you learn to crossover the basketball while dribbling. A crossover is when you move the ball from one hand to the other. This must be done quickly to be successful. Once you have learned how to do a crossover, you can travel down the court quickly.

You can learn how to better pass the ball if you run drills without the dribble. It is difficult playing without dribbling; however, it helps the team make better passes. Even though this is not an easy drill, you will be rewarded for your efforts during game time.

Play solo basketball in the months leading up to the season, as well as during the season itself. There are times you may not find anyone to play with you. No problem. There are many ways that you can improve your game alone. Practice pivoting or you can practice doing free throws. There is no shortage of things you can do.

Work on catching passes frequently. While you are practicing, you should be sure to drill yourself on catching errant throws, as well as catching those perfect passes. This will help you catch those bad passes during a game. Cover for your teammates’ errant passes by developing the hands to cover their mistakes.

If you want to take jump shots, don’t spend time pumping iron. Though muscle strength is great to have with any sport, it is very possible to be too buff for serious game play. Some shooting guards worked on their arms so much that they started lowering their percentage of field goals.

To hold the ball right, spread your fingers out. This way, you won’t lose the ball when holding it. Do not allow your palm to come in contact with the ball either. Only use your fingers to dribble, pass or shoot.

Build a consistent routine for your free throws. If you stay inconsistent, you miss a shot. If you want to perfect free throw shooting, pick a routine and repeat it continuously. If you have a glitch in the routine, you are likely to miss your shot.

Strength and flexibility training can help your skills in basketball. You need both stamina and strength to be a good player. Children that are young are also able to get benefits from getting stronger arms and legs if they exercise right. As players mature, weight training can begin. Once they transition into adulthood, strength training must continue to be a core part of their exercise routine.

Try to keep the ball in your line of sight at all times. This is not just to make reading the scoreboard easier, but also to facilitate the making of shots and catching of passes. Your peripheral vision should be at its best. If you look across the whole game and not just focus on the ball, you can see oncoming defensive pressure in advance, as well as open teammates.

Have a friend or family member videotape your games, then view the video to see the result. Are you able to see missed opportunities or ways in which you could have improved? Assess yourself honestly, but don’t be a harsh critic. It can be an eye-opener to see how you’re playing the game really, not just what you picture it to be.

Drills should be done where you attempt to get your basketball up the court within five dribbles or even less than that. You may find this very challenging, but once accomplished it will give you a real edge. Being able to do this lets you lead your team on a fast break and gets you to the rim that much quicker.

Do you have the answers you were looking for? Are you ready to take the court by storm? Do you want to really improve your game based on the great information presented here? Use these tips and you’ll soon see yourself improve drastically.

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